SWIM FOR SHARKS 2015: event that raises money for organizations that help support and conserve shark populations


Casey's Photo



Dear Humans,

Sharks are an integral part of the marine ecosystem. As apex predators sharks are essential in maintaining a healthy balance in our oceans. In fact sharks ultimately help to support all life here on Earth. However, each year over 70 million sharks are killed by human activities, and out of the 500 shark species on Earth one third of them are endangered and at serious risk of extinction. Big Blue Conservation holds an annual Swim for Sharks event that raises money for organizations that help support and conserve shark populations. These organizations are not-for-profit and rely solely on donations in order to carry out their work. Sooo please consider skipping the Starbucks tomorrow and donate those $$ to a really important cause.


Jaws, Bruce, Don Lino and Jabba Jaw

Sharks are an integral part of the marine ecosystem. As apex predators sharks are essential in maintaining a healthy balance in our oceans. In fact sharks ultimately help to support all life here on Earth.
See Campaign: https://www.crowdrise.com/SwimforSharks2015/fundraiser/
Contact Information:
Casey Doldissen

Crowdrise, Philanthropy, Donation, Events, English, Non Profits, Industry verticals, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Media & Entertainment, Language


Source: ICNW