OmFlag: Love Revolution – Global Peace Project



    • OmFlag reflects the harmony of the universe and a desire to shift consciousness


    • OmFlag unites people; an essential step on our evolutionary ladder


    • OmFlag brings awareness to the multitude on the path of personal & global transformation


    • OmFlag draws us closer, bringing us courage to shine our light even brighter


    • OmFlag establishes hope and trust and heralds the LoveRevolution


    • OmFlag shows that YOU are a part of the movement!



Donate to this campaign and get your OmFlag right now!

Alternatively, create your own by hand, or copy our digital version from here. In the future, you may buy one of our many formats such as stickers, flags, t-shirts, totes and more from the website. OmFlag products will be created thru fair-trade, employing people in the developing world, using only sustainable materials*. Profits will support selected worldwide charities**. The website will be home to an ever-growing community of peace-makers engaging in world transformation; and eventually will support a worldwide fair-wage emarket called “The Consciousness Collective.”...I bet you’re probably already starting to grasp the potential magnitude of this project!

(for more details on the vision visit our interim website here)


Your donation will be used to develop and promote OmFlag from grassroots to the worldwide web, and for conscientious product development. It will also help us create the fair-wage initiative “Consciousness Collective”.

The ultimate goal of The Consciousness Collective is to engage our global bothers and sisters in an opportunity to establish their own cottage industries, encouraging financial-freedom and hope for more equitable distribution of global wealth. …It will also get you some nifty little gifts in gratitude…most importantly, authentic 1st generation OmFlag stickers, pens and magnets to get this movement rolling worldwide!

(heads up! The 1st generation design will only be available thru this campaign)


There are many worthy causes; and a poignant sense of hopelessness knowing that tomorrow there will be many more…I know you would give everything you could if it meant ending world suffering once and for all—I would too.

Money alone cannot fix the world when the essential problem is a lack of trust, love and compassion.

Brutality is rooted in fear. People believe they need to dominate. They cling to, fight for, and abuse resources, fearing greed and the scarcity of love–this makes them act inhumanely.

This crisis of consciousness is the ultimate, singular hurdle to peace & happiness for all.

Show humanity the LoveRevolution growing under
this mayhem is getting stronger everyday-
we’re changing
consciousness and changing the world!


Any donation is greatly appreciated, and top donations***will be awarded original art created by artists from the OmFlag community.

if you cannot afford to donate, we understand and ask you to create your own OmFlag (copy & print one of ours) join the LoveRevolution right now and let the world know YOU CARE!

OmFlag is a visual commitment to a new consciousness and worldview, and expresses a desire to connect with others of shared-values. With this symbol we crystallize a vision of a compassionate world in our consciousness and project it into the minds and hearts of others.


Every great journey begins with one single, and simple step

This is it.

Make this the most powerful movement in human

Join a simple, yet profound act of sacred activism. Be a pioneer in a worldwide movement that will shape the future.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:

StartSomeGood, Reward, English, Canada, North America, Lifestyle & Leisure, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW