Reviticell Holdings, Inc.: At the forefront of a revolution in modern medicine that will forever change the way we treat, heal and restore lives.

Reviticell Holdings, Inc.

Reviticell Holdings, Inc. Logo

We are at the forefront of a revolution in modern medicine that will forever change the way we treat, heal and restore lives. This revolution is Regenerative Medicine – an industry estimated to reach $69 billion by 2019.

Doctors tell us they want predictable and consistent results. We hear people say they want healthier lives. Reviticell is an innovative company that is developing medical kits designed to optimize and standardize regenerative medical procedures so that doctors can work efficiently and patients can have peace of mind.

Regenerative medical procedures utilize a patient’s blood or body fat to restore parts of the body that have been damaged by trauma, disease or congenital defects. Patent-pending Reviticell Kits are being developed as somewhat of a paint-by-numbers system so that doctors can conduct regenerative medical procedures in a way that is safe, predictable and consistent.

Select components of blood can be used by doctors as an all-natural way to promote healing of orthopedic injuries. Concentrated tissue from body fat can be used by doctors for facial restoration and wound care. This tissue can even be used to reconstruct organs according to recent studies.

Locked within body fat are stem cells – the building blocks of our bodies. Reviticell Kits are being developed to be the very key that facilitates their release! Unlocking these powerful cells is the first step in many regenerative medical procedures.

We collaborate with University of Florida to develop new medical technologies and work with industry leaders such as Roche Custom Biotech as a part of our best-in-class business model. Our management team has extensive experience in developing and managing successful high-growth companies in the US and abroad.

EquityNet’s patented algorithms rank Reviticell at 170% of the potential reward but at only 23% of the risk as compared to our peer group! You can invest in Reviticell at $1.00 per share and a minimum of $10,000. Click Request Plan to see our Business Plan or contact us at to see our PPM or to schedule a call with our CEO.

Products / Services

Blood Preparation – Orthopedic PRP Kits

Orthopedic PRP Kits provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, which optimize blood preparation for specific orthopedic therapies. The protocol embodied in each particular type of Orthopedic PRP Kit makes it possible to efficiently deliver precise doses of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and other desired elements of prepared blood. The target market for Orthopedic PRP Kits is orthopedic surgeons and related specialists.

The methodical approach inherent in each type of Orthopedic PRP Kit eliminates the variation of results that typically occur due to inconsistent practices among medical practitioners. Such a standardized process will also allow for comparative clinical studies. In addition, this “paint-by-numbers” system enables the preparation of blood to be accomplished by nurses and medical technicians who are in a supporting role.

Blood Preparation – Rejuvenation PRP Kits

Rejuvenation PRP Kits provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, which optimize blood preparation for regenerative medical therapies. The protocol embodied in each type of Rejuvenation PRP Kit enhances the protocol of a particular therapy made possible by other Reviticell Kits. The target market for Rejuvenation PRP Kits is surgeons and specialists who use other Reviticell Kits in their practice.

Each Rejuvenation PRP Kit is a module which can be attached to a Reviticell Kit prior to its delivery to the operating room. Rejuvenation PRP Kits eliminate the variation of results that typically occur due to inconsistent practices among medical practitioners. This module is also a “paint-by-numbers” system that enables the preparation of blood to be accomplished by nurses and medical technicians who are in a supporting role.

Facial Tissue Restoration – Reviticell-brand Kits

Reviticell-brand Facial Tissue Restoration Kits provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, which optimize adipose tissue preparation for facial restoration. The protocol embodied in these kits makes it possible for physicians to perform plastic and reconstructive therapies using prepared adipose tissue (fat) from the patient’s own body. The target market for Reviticell-brand Facial Restoration Kits is board-certified plastic surgeons and dermatologists.

The methodical approach inherent in each Reviticell-brand Facial Tissue Restoration Kit makes possible predictable outcomes and eliminates the variation of results that typically occur among medical practitioners. Comparatively, this kit is identical to a Corishape-Kit but is not a part of the Corishaping Program. Similarly, these kits are “paint-by-numbers” systems that enable the preparation of adipose tissue to be accomplished by nurses and medical technicians who are in a supporting role.

Facial Tissue Restoration – Private Label Kits

A private-labeled Facial Tissue Restoration Kit provides the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, which optimizes adipose tissue preparation for facial restoration. The protocol embodied in these kits makes it possible for a physician to perform plastic and reconstructive therapies using prepared adipose tissue (fat) from the patient’s own body.

The methodical approach inherent in each private-labeled Facial Tissue Restoration Kit makes possible predictable outcomes and eliminates the variation of results that typically occur among medical practitioners. Comparatively, these kits are identical to Reviticell-brand Facial Restoration Kits but are branded for specific physician groups. The target market for these kits can be most any group of physicians with specialized training.

Tissue Restoration – Trauma & Volumization Kits

Tissue Restoration Kits for Trauma and Volumization provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, to optimize adipose tissue preparation for acute wound-care, trauma and defects that do not require structural support. The protocol embodied in each kit makes it possible for physicians to perform such therapies using prepared adipose tissue (fat) from the patient’s own body. The target market for these kits is board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeons.

The methodical approach inherent in each Trauma and Volumization Tissue Restoration Kit makes possible predictable and consistent results. Comparatively, this kit has the same “paint-by-numbers” approach as a Facial Tissue Restoration Kit which enables the preparation of adipose tissue to be performed by nurses and medical technicians in their supporting role. The difference is that the underlying modular system of a Trauma and Volumization Tissue Restoration Kit contains different components.

Tissue Reconstruction – Trauma & Volumization Kits

Tissue Reconstruction Kits for Trauma & Volumization provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, to optimize the preparation and use of adipose tissue when a bio-scaffold (or matrix) is required. A bio-scaffold gives form and/or support to new-growing tissue when there is an insufficient environment for restoration of the patient.

The target market for these kits is surgeons whose patients are suffering from severe acute wounds, chronic wounds, trauma and/or defects. These standardized kits provide physicians a methodical approach for using prepared adipose tissue with a bio-scaffold or matrix. Similar to other Reviticell Kits, these kits are “paint-by-numbers” systems for when the preparation of adipose tissue is conducted by nurses and medical technicians.

Tissue Reconstruction – Breast Reconstruction Kits

Breast Reconstruction Kits optimize the preparation and use of adipose tissue when a bio-scaffold (or matrix) is required after a mastectomy or lumpectomy has been performed. These kits provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, that make breast reconstruction safe, efficient, and effective. The target market for these kits is surgeons who specialize in breast reconstruction.

Variations of the Breast Reconstruction Kit can also be used for cosmetic purposes. These standardized kits provide physicians a methodical approach for using prepared adipose tissue with a bio-scaffold or matrix. Similar to other Reviticell Kits, these kits are “paint-by-numbers” systems for when the preparation of adipose tissue is conducted by nurses and medical technicians.

Tissue Reconstruction – Organ Replacement Kits

Organ Replacement Kits optimize the preparation and use of adipose tissue when a bio-scaffold (or matrix) is required for tissue-growth in a bio-reactor. These kits provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, that make possible the construction of a particular replacement organ. The target market for these kits is surgeons who specialize in organ replacement. The methodical approach inherent in these kits eliminates the variation of results that can occur absent such a standardized approach.

Tissue Engineering – R&D Kits

Tissue Engineering R&D Kits optimize the preparation of adipose tissue for research and experimental purposes. These standardized kits provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, for the preparation of adipose tissue desired for further study. Such a standardized and methodical process makes possible comparative clinical studies. The target market for these kits is scientists and research professionals in academic institutions and commercial enterprises.

Cell Preservation – Lipoaspirate Kits

Lipoaspirate Kits for Cell Preservation provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, which optimize the preparation of adipose tissue in the form of lipoaspirate (fat which has been acquired via liposuction). This methodical system is similar to a Tissue Restoration Kit except that adipose tissue (fat) is not prepared for immediate use but for long-term storage. The target market for these kits is broad and can include most properly-trained physicians.

Cell Preservation – Umbilical Cord Kits

Umbilical Cord Kits for Cell Preservation provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, which optimize the preparation of umbilical-cord tissue. This methodical system is similar to a Lipoaspirate Kit for Cell Preservation except for the type of tissue that is prepared. The target market for these kits is obstetricians and related medical practitioners.

Animal Therapies – Pet SVF Kits

Pet SVF Kits provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, which optimize the concentration of adipose tissue for the purpose of isolating and utilizing the Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF). SVF is the vascular rich tissue which contains adipose stromal cells (i.e., stem cells). The target market for these kits is veterinarians who care for pets. Variations of this kit can also be used for equine and other non-human mammalian purposes.

Animal Therapies – Pet Stem-Cell Kits

Pet Stem-Cell Kits provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, which optimize the concentration of adipose tissue and the isolating of adipose stromal cells (stem cells) for various therapeutic purposes. The target market for these kits is veterinarians who care for pets, equine and other non-human mammals.

Stem-Cell Therapies – Stem-Cell Therapy Kits

Stem-Cell Therapy Kits provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, which optimize the concentration of adipose tissue and the isolating/characterization of adipose stromal cells (stem cells) for various human therapeutic purposes. The target market for these standardized kits is broad and may include most any properly-trained physician or surgeon.

Stem Cell Therapies – SVF R&D Kits

SVF R&D Kits provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, for the concentration of adipose tissue and the isolation of the Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) for research and experimental purposes. SVF is the vascular rich tissue which contains adipose stromal cells (i.e., stem cells). Such a methodical process makes possible comparative clinical studies. The target market for these kits is scientists and research professionals in academic institutions and commercial enterprises.

Stem Cell Therapies – Stem-Cell R&D Kits

Stem-Cell R&D Kits provide the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, for the concentration of adipose tissue and the isolation of adipose stromal cells (stem cells) for research and experimental purposes. Such a methodical process makes possible comparative clinical studies. The target market for these kits is scientists and research professionals in academic institutions and commercial enterprises.

Facial Tissue Restoration – Corishape Kits

A Corishape Kit provides the components, and a corresponding systematic sequence of steps, which optimizes adipose tissue preparation for facial rejuvenation (i.e., anti-aging) as a part of a branded program called Corishaping. The protocol embodied in each Corishape Kit makes it possible for a physician to perform a “Complementary Fat Grafting” procedure using prepared adipose tissue (fat) from the patient’s own body.

Such a methodical approach to adipose-tissue preparation and the Corishaping procedure itself eliminate the variation of results that typically occur among physicians. The Corishaping Program includes the highest level of Reviticell training and support as well as national advertising. The target market for Corishape Kits is cosmetic plastic surgeons and dermatologists (i.e., medical aesthetics physicians).



Chief Executive Officer
Greg Bendis

Greg BendisAs a former business consultant to some of the largest and most successful companies in the US, Greg Bendis founded and structured Reviticell based on principles that are common to all companies that succeed. Most importantly, the principle of leverage and focusing on that which a company can do better than any other company in the world – and retaining the best possible people to do so.

Prior to Reviticell, Greg was CEO for ARIA Facial Care which grew out of a venture that began when he co-founded American Rejuvenation Centers in 2007. As a business consultant, Greg guided the development and restructuring of global high-growth companies with facilities worldwide. Prior to that, he was a director at the international law firm of Latham & Watkins.

Greg was a key member of the team that built a highly profitable company that was sold and renamed Experian. Greg graduated from University of Florida and completed the MBA Finance and Economics program at Pepperdine University.

Chief Operating Officer
Gary Granfield

Gary GranfieldGary Granfield worked for more than thirty years in the importing and exporting of consumer products industry and was the CEO of Pagatech – a company he founded and operated until he joined the Reviticell team.

Prior to Pagatech, Gary was the Vice President for Alimentco Inc. which was also an international import and export company. Gary speaks several languages fluently which has served him well during his tenure as the leader of successful businesses that relied on his interpersonal skills and high level of service.

Gary graduated from Tulane University in New Orleans. After beginning his career in the hospitality industry, he founded his company on principles of service, hard work and ethical practices. Gary expanded his small company to an enterprise that resulted in his travels to more than 100 countries where he successfully marketed, sold, and provided products and services to a variety of different business entities in many different cultural environments.

Chief Physician/Medical Officer
John Murray, MD – Chief Medical Officer

John Murray, MD - Chief Medical OfficerDr. Murray specializes in breast reconstruction and tissue restoration. He pursues Regenerative Medicine research at University of Florida where he is Chief of Plastic Surgery and Assistant Professor of Surgery at UF Health in Jacksonville.

Dr. Murray is also Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery at University of Illinois College of Medicine where he was instrumental in developing one of the first comprehensive breast centers in the US; he also established an annual international Breast Cancer Symposium which he still directs.

Dr. Murray earned his Doctorate in Medicine at Emory University, where he completed his training in plastic/reconstructive and general surgery. He is certified by both the American Board of Surgery and Plastic Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Chief Marketing Officer
Gene Fedele

Gene FedeleGene Fedele has 33 years of experience in marketing, branding, and publishing for Fortune 500 companies in healthcare, technology and financial services. He was Chief Creative Officer for UBM (a $5 B global media, PR and events company) where he provided creative and marketing services for dozens of corporate brands.

Gene launched and led two start-up marketing agencies which he grew into multi-million dollar businesses focused on creating and selling innovative print and digital products and services. His experience includes consulting and strategic planning for marketing, branding, publishing and investor relations. Gene has been a speaker at industry events such as Folio: MediaNext and has authored numerous books with over 250,000 sales globally.

Gene has been honored with more than 200 marketing and design awards during his career. He holds a BA in advertising from Syracuse University.

Executive Vice President Business Development
Arlene Bumb

Arlene Bumb  Arlene is a seasoned executive with over 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry. In addition to playing key management and advisory roles for large companies in the medical industry including Thermo Fisher, Beckman Coulter, Pfizer, Boston Scientific, and St Jude Medical, Arlene also has many years of experience as an executive launching and building start-up companies such as Pegasus Biologics, BioMedGPS, Halo Healthcare and PhageTech, Inc. In addition, Arlene has been an advisor to dozens of medical companies contributing to their growth and success. Arlene’s extensive industry experience in market development and launching products in the healthcare/medical field, including international experience, are key to Reviticell’s development and commercialization plans.

Chief Manufacturing/Production
Leslie Frilling – Chief Logistics Officer

Leslie Frilling - Chief Logistics OfficerFor more than three decades, Leslie Frilling has advised and worked with plastic surgeons and dermatologists throughout the US. She has also been an advisor and resource to many companies such as Johnson & Johnson where her insight was needed for the development of comprehensive skin-care centers in South America. At ARIA Facial Care, she was initially an advisor then became Director of Facial Care. Leslie has maintained a private practice as a clinical esthetician and has held positions with the Society of Dermatology and the National Coalition of Estheticians, Manufacturers/Distributors & Associations. Leslie graduated from Jacksonville Technical School and completed her business studies at University of North Florida. She also passed international board exams to become CIDESCO certified after having completed the required curriculum in New York and Miami – a rare achievement which makes it possible for Leslie to teach and train in 36 different countries.

Consulting Science/Scientist
Robert Cafferata, PhD – Science Advisor

Robert Cafferata, PhD - Science AdvisorDr. Cafferata founded Boston BioDiligence to leverage industry resources and to assist his clients with innovating new technologies. He manages details of his client’s scientific applications and provides advice with respect to the pragmatic aspects of commercializing products. Dr. Cafferata transitioned from academic research in developmental neuroscience to his role at the medical device giant Medtronic. At Medtronic, he was influential in technology acquisition and new business development. He was also a strategic advisor to Mercator MedSystems and part of the management team for Epic Therapeutics from inception to acquisition by Baxter International. Dr. Cafferata earned his Doctorate from Stony Brook University, NY. Dr. Cafferata is well-connected in the medical-device industry. His advice and consultation is sought after by the NIH and other organizations with industry oversight.

Consulting Physician/Medical Officer
Christine Granfield, MD – Strategic Medical Advisor

Christine Granfield, MD - Strategic Medical AdvisorDr. Granfield is the Breast Imaging Medical Director for Baptist Health Systems and is the Founding Physician for the Hill Breast Center in Jacksonville, which is the largest private practice breast imaging center in the United States. She has a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology from the University of Wisconsin and earned her Doctorate in Medicine at Tulane Medical School. She completed a Pediatric Internship at Tulane Medical Center and her Radiology Residency at Charity Hospital. At University Of Texas – M.D. Anderson Cancer Center she completed her Imaging Fellowship and Vascular and Interventional Fellowship in Cancer Imaging and Treatment.

With a naturally inquisitive mind and a heart for patient care, Dr. Granfield has focused much of her energy on fields of study beyond radiology. She has received numerous awards for her innovative service over her career and is currently involved in ongoing national breast cancer research trials.

Consulting Physician/Medical Officer
Jason Meier, MD – Facial Plastic Surgery Advisor

Jason Meier, MD - Facial Plastic Surgery Advisor Dr. Meier has a Bachelor of Science in Biology and earned his Doctorate at University of Iowa where he graduated at the top of his class and had the high honor of being a member of the Alpha Omega Medical Society. He excelled in his residency in otolaryngology at the prestigious Northwestern University in Chicago. Dr. Meier is board-certified and completed fellowship training under the foremost experts in rhinoplasty and fat-grafting. Dr. Meier authored a landmark paper on facial fat-grafting demonstrating clinically-proven results of permanence. He also coauthored two textbook chapters on “volumetric” facial rejuvenation and instructs plastic surgeons in these techniques.

Dr. Meier is a member of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery where he serves on multiple committees. He is a well-respected industry leader and has organized and conducted international meetings attended by his peers.

Consulting Strategic Planning
France Helfer – Medical Devices Advisor

France Helfer - Medical Devices Advisor France Helfer was Founder and CEO of Epicardial Technologies and Pegasus Biologics (acquired by Synovis) which developed bio-surgical solutions for soft tissue repair and regeneration. Most recently she launched Tiny Kicks and is CEO of this innovative company which is developing a fetal monitoring system. France is also director for MLM Biologics which develops advanced biologic-based solutions to treat chronic wounds. Earlier in her career, she was a key contributor in management roles for industry leaders such as Medtronic, Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer-Shiley and was recruited as CEO of Halo Healthcare. France majored in biological sciences at California State Fullerton, pursued graduate studies in business management at University of Redlands, and completed an advanced R&D curriculum at USC and UCI.

France also sits on the boards of several organizations who seek her advice with respect to tissue engineering and other leading-edge technologies.

Consulting Quality Assurance
Ana Maria Saaibi

Ana Maria SaaibiAna Maria Saaibi is a highly skilled professional equipped with wide-ranging expertise in engineering, quality and regulatory affairs in both US and international markets for medical devices and the life-science industry. Ana is proficient at performing gap analysis and process validation as well as preparing regulatory submissions and establishing/maintaining quality assurance systems. When at Biorep Technologies as Regulatory Affairs Director, she ensured compliance with respect to regulatory submissions and post-market surveillance of medical devices. Ana earned a Master of Science from University of Florida and graduated Cum Laude from Tulane University with a Bachelor of Science.

Ana Maria’s attention to detail and her ability to interpret such in a broad context resulted in the FDA hiring her as a research assistant at the Center for Devices and Radiological Health

Director Sales & Marketing
Linda Werdmolder – Major Accounts Director

Linda Werdmolder - Major Accounts Director Linda Werdmolder began her career in sales, marketing and customer service at E. F. Hutton & Company. Linda then worked with high-energy wealth management organizations at Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers where she engaged very high-net-worth individuals in Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, and Mexico. Being fluent in Spanish, Linda was able to gain the trust and respect of these sophisticated financiers and built a portfolio of accounts that she managed. Linda graduated from Newcomb College at Tulane University. She also studied at La Sorbonne and L’Institut de Sciences Politiques in Paris. Linda first became involved with Reviticell as an investor; next as the subject of an early clinical study; and, then, as a part of the Reviticell Management team.

Chief Human Resources
Sue Fritts – Chief Administrative Officer

Sue Fritts - Chief Administrative OfficerSue Fritts has more than 30 years of experience in vice president and president roles at US Fortune 500 companies during periods of tremendous growth. She began her career at a Michigan credit bureau and was instrumental in growing a lucrative business that was purchased by TRW. As a member of the senior management team at TRW, she helped leverage the value of the company and sold its consumer-related businesses to Experian and its real-estate-related businesses to First American. Sue was then recruited by First American where she held an executive position before being recruited by Fidelity National. Sue later became the Director of Operations for a wealth management firm and the Chief Administrative Officer for ARIA Facial Care.

Director Strategic Affairs
Lacey Johnson – Physician Services Director

Lacey Johnson - Physician Services DirectorLacey Johnson excelled during the first part of her career as a dental hygienist working at the most successful dental practices in Southern California. While maintaining her practice base, Lacey began to develop client relationships which led to her marketing and sales efforts that supported a variety of medical practices. Drawing upon her background in healthcare management, Lacey most recently spearheaded the development of the start-up medical concierge service HealthCaddi, Inc. Here, she worked with physicians and lawyers to advance the business model to the point of being operational. Lacey is a graduate of National American University and is involved with non-profit organizations as a board member as well as being an organizer of fund-raising and other activities.

Executive Vice President Sales
Marie Lacek – Executive Vice President, Inside Sales

Marie Lacek - Executive Vice President, Inside SalesMarie Lacek has been successful for more than 30 years in team leadership roles and has a proven track record of operational excellence. Marie graduated from Wilkes University with a degree in Accounting which paved the way for a successful career in telecommunications and in healthcare. At Express Scripts she was responsible for transitioning patient records from acquired accounts and integrating them into a consolidated system. She also grew and developed under-performing service centers into ones that set new performance standards. Marie has consistently been recognized for significant business performance in large service operations that include Operations Analytics, Customer Service and Public Relations. Marie is proficient at improving customer satisfaction and retention. Her creative skills and passion for excellence have proven successful in her managing of aggressive schedules and delivering results on or under budget.


We are at the forefront of a revolution in modern medicine that will forever change the way we treat, heal and restore lives. This revolution is Regenerative Medicine – an industry estimated to reach $69 billion by 2019.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Chief Executive Officer
Greg Bendis

Chief Operating Officer
Gary Granfield

Chief Physician/Medical Officer
John Murray, MD – Chief Medical Officer

Chief Marketing Officer
Gene Fedele

Executive Vice President Business Development
Arlene Bumb

Chief Manufacturing/Production
Leslie Frilling – Chief Logistics Officer

Consulting Science/Scientist
Robert Cafferata, PhD – Science Advisor

Consulting Physician/Medical Officer
Christine Granfield, MD – Strategic Medical Advisor

Consulting Physician/Medical Officer
Jason Meier, MD – Facial Plastic Surgery Advisor

Consulting Strategic Planning
France Helfer – Medical Devices Advisor

Consulting Quality Assurance
Ana Maria Saaibi

Director Sales & Marketing
Linda Werdmolder – Major Accounts Director

Chief Human Resources
Sue Fritts – Chief Administrative Officer

Director Strategic Affairs
Lacey Johnson – Physician Services Director

Executive Vice President Sales
Marie Lacek – Executive Vice President, Inside Sales

EquityNet, United States, Equity, English, Healthcare, Florida, Medical & Healthcare, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: Icrowdnewswire