Lift Off Prints needs more 3D printers!
Lift Off Prints is here for everyone’s 3D printing needs. Our custom 3D modeling and printing skills can handle any project.
About this project
Lift Off Prints
Lift Off Prints has had its 1 and only printer for 2 years now and after a year and a half ofcreating 3D models,lots of printing, and running through countless hours of printing tests, Lift Off Prints was ready to set up a shop online. Now that our shop is getting more popular our prints are becoming more in demand but we are stuck with our lonely single printer. Now that Lift Off Prints is now booking Las Vegas Comic Book and Anime Conventions we need more printers to help better build a larger 3D print inventory. Lift Off Prints is asking for your help in giving our printer more 3D printer buddies to help us lift off into this new world of custom 3D printing.
Check out more models and prints at:
Twitter @LiftOffPrints
What the funding goes towards!
Lift Off Prints currently has the Afinia H479 printer, that prints at about a 120mm cubed space or about 5 inches cubed. Fairly small to the standards of 3D printing, and since our first convention at Otakon Las Vegas I have been receiving more and more custom prop requests for large 3D Print ideas which is awesome but is troublesome because it requires prints to be printed many parts on our current small print platform. So my #1 Priority is to receive funds to order the new Afinia H800 3D printer which has a number of additional improvements main improvements are; larger print volume, faster print speeds, enclosed print area with HEPA filter!
Current Work and Prints!
Below are a few pictures of prints and 3D art. You can see more at our facebook page.

The Dragon Skull shows the great detail that has been achieved by my current printer. The new Afinia H800 can print at an even smaller layer resolution for added definition.

I have several videogame 8Bit art and I can create any custom 8Bit art especially for the RPG Maker fans out there, but to show a couple I have a Boss Galaga 3D Render.

Here is a 1 UP printed keychain.
With Zbrush it is easy to engrave emblems or symbols into any 3D design.
Cookie Cutters have been really popular amongst the 3D community. Here is my Fang Cookie Cutter, I have several more themed cookie cutters too.

My latest prints involve the Call of Duty Zombie Power Ups. The Ammo Box is Awesome!
Works in Progress
Here is where all the hard work continues. Below are my latest 3D projects. Currently I use Autodesk Fusion 360 for quick designs, Blender for more intricate designs and once I get more skilled with Zbrush I will create High Poly detailed 3D models.

Future Works
The list is absolutely endless when it comes to creating 3D art and adding functionality like adding a spring action to the Pokballs takes 3D printing to the next level. Having more printers will allow me to get more print parts done at one time so I can get back to redesigning and editing 3D models to function correctly after being printed.
All rewards are printed in ABS White filament.
- $5 Lift Off Dreamer- Rocket Keychain and a Thank you card – Rocket Keychain is approximately 30mm long with small hole through tail end of model to fit keyring.
- $10 Lift Off Believer- Rocket Magnet, Rocket Keychain and a Thank you card – Rocket Magnet is approximately 80mm long with small circular hole in back with magnet.
- $25 Lift Off Builder- Receive Lift Off Prints Kickstarter T-Shirt, Rocket Magnet, Rocket Keychain, and Thank you card. T-Shirt is added with this Reward and is as displayed below; white Tee with size preferences Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large.

- $20 Lift Off Rocketeer – Receive Rocket Phone Holder and Thank you card. (holds most phones, larger model will be able to hold Plus size phones)
- $20 Lift Off Captain – Receive Single Photo Rocket Frame and Thank you card. Photo frame stands on its own, frame is approximately 1 inch in diameter.
- $30 Lift Off Astronaut – Receive 3 Photo Rocket Frame and Thank you card. Stands with stand attached holds up to 3 1 inch photos.
- $45 Lift Off Bundle #1 –This bundle includes Rocket Phone Holder, Lift Off Prints Kickstarter T-shirt, Rocket Magnet, Rocket Keychain and Thank you card.
- $45 Lift Off Bundle #2 – This bundle includes Rocket Single Photo Rocket Frame, Lift Off Prints Kickstarter T-shirt, Rocket Magnet, Rocket Keychain and Thank you card.
- $60 Lift Off Bundle #3 – This bundle includes 3 Photo Rocket Frame, Single Photo Rocket Frame, Lift Off Prints Kickstarter T-shirt, Rocket Magnet, Rocket Keychain and Thank you card.
- $80 Lift Off Bundle #4 – 3 Photo Rocket Frame, Single Photo Rocket Frame, Rocket Phone Holder, Lift Off Prints Kickstarter T-shirt, Rocket Magnet, Rocket Keychain and Thank you card.
- $100 Space Adventurer – This reward includes the Lift Off Prints Space Adventurer Helmet, Lift Off Prints Kickstarter T-Shirt, Rocket Magnet, Rocket Keychain and Thank you card.

- $140 Space Legend – This reward includes the Lift Off Prints Space Adventurer Helmet,3 Photo Rocket Frame, Single Photo Rocket Frame,Rocket Phone Holder, Lift Off Prints Kickstarter T-Shirt, Rocket Magnet, Rocket Keychain and Thank you card.
- $250 Lift Off Prints Visionary – This reward includes working with 3D artist on your custom 3D model design. You receive up to 5 hours of 3D modeling time and 1 print of your custom 3D model. Print must fit within 10x8x8in build volume. If necessary will be printed in multiple parts.
- $500 Lift Off Prints Pioneer – This reward includes working with 3D artist on your custom 3D model design. You receive up to 10 hours of 3D modeling time and 1 print of your custom 3D model. Print must fit within 10x8x8in build volume. If necessary will be printed in multiple parts.
- $750 Lift Off Prints Adventurer – This reward includes working with 3D artist on your custom 3D model design. You receive up to 15 hours of 3D modeling time and 1 print of your custom 3D model. Print must fit within 20x16x16in build volume. If necessary will be printed in multiple parts.
- $1000 Lift Off Prints Legend – This reward includes working with 3D artist on your custom 3D model design. You receive up to 20 hours of 3D modeling time and 1 print of your custom 3D model. Print must fit within 20x16x16in build volume. If necessary will be printed in multiple parts.
How the custom 3D modeling and 3D printing works.
For example I chose the Lift Off Prints Visionary reward, that means I get to work with the Lift Off Prints 3D artist. So if I have a design or idea, the 3D artist will determine if that design or idea will take less than 5 hours to 3D model. If the 3D artist decides it will take less than 5 hours to create the 3D model then I’m good to go. If the 3D artist decides my design or idea will take longer than 5 hours some details or some of the design may have to be removed. This is to ensure that enough time is available for all custom orders and not too much time is spent with one model.
Risks and challenges
The risks are minimal, I have been printing all shapes and sizes of 3D prints and testing the limits of my printer. I expect better prints from the new and improved Afinia H800 printer. I have chosen the same printer brand for the reason of minimizing risks when looking at funding more 3D printers. I have seen great prints come out from the Afinia H479 and I understand its capabilities, I have seen many other 3D prints from other printer brands and even DIY kits or build kits and the precision of Afinia’s printers create smoother and more detailed 3D prints with more consistency and is well worth the price. With the custom 3D modeling rewards, I will start with the lower tier items working with the backers who backed for 5 hours of modeling to then working towards the backer who backed for 20 hours of modeling time. I expect all custom items to be done by the latest of September 2016.
Lift Off Prints is here for everyone’s 3D printing needs. Our custom 3D modeling and printing skills can handle any project.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Robin Gonzales Jr.
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