Aspirations Post Production
By FORTRESS Foundation
A little bit of context
The FORTRESS Foundation has a mandate to end exploitation and gender based violence through the education and equipping of boys to become Men of Honor, Respect and Integrity.
But theres a problem
1 out of 3 women have been raped, beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in their lifetime. In the absence of effective sex education at home or at school, the porn industry and the media have become the leading sex educators. That statement should send chills down the spine of any parent.
Heres what were doing about it
By addressing the root causes before they ever become a problem in the first place, and utilizing the same powerfully influential tools which shape and mold the impressionable minds of young men, we will mobilize a generation of youth to embrace equality and reject sexual objectification.
The Story
This movement requires a massive level of support and collaboration from multiple levels of government, education, community services, law enforcement, rescue organizations, the business community and many other sectors to impact lasting societal change and cause a SHIFT in the perspectives of equality and justice. We have made a lifetime commitment to this work and came out of the gate with some ambitious goals. In May of 2015 we collaborated with local police forces, municipal and provincial governments, international human trafficking organizations, social service organizations, schools, churches and multiple partners in the business sector to launch an indiegogo campaign to raise $250,000.00 to shoot a twelve part mini series with the mandate to prevent the sexual exploitation of children and youth. You can see some of our partner support videos here (or contact us for a vast array of support documentation for this greatly needed work).
Our story even got picked up and reported on by conventional media outlets and launched at the largest social media event in Canada!
With 3 months of strategic planning, countless volunteer hours and 60 days of consistent campaigning our indiegogo campaign closed with $2,210.00 in the account. This was a great opportunity for us to continue although it felt like an ideal time to throw in the towel. We wasted no time in making the decision to move forward in production regardless of the financial setbacks. We know that to cause the societal SHIFT we intend to, we’re going to have to swim upstream.
We reworked the deliverable and said “if we can’t go to camera for the entire series, what can we produce?”
We decided that although logistically challenging, and financially it is going to cost way more, we are willing to pay the price! We are willing to push through the challenges, and many others were willing to swim upstream with us to fight for the dignity and freedom of the exploited. So onward we went with the production of the first installment of the SHIFT series.
A digital short genre mash up paralleling the story of BRITTNI RUIZ, (formerly Jenna Presley one of the worlds top grossing porn stars), with the narrative of a young aboriginal hip hop dancer navigating her way through the pressures of high school life. Encompassing the real world experiences of today’s youth in the sexually driven digital age, Aspirations leads us on a journey through the lens of an impressionable young woman in her pursuit of visibility and recognition.
So where do we go from here?
Now is the time to equip and empower men throughout the world to recognize and eliminate the ROOT CAUSES of gender based violence, sexual exploitation and human trafficking. This generation holds the key to unlock the shackles of injustice holding our culture captive today! NOW IS THE TIME to release a massive wave of change. TAKE ACTION! Help us to SHIFT CULTURE.
The FORTRESS Foundation has a mandate to end exploitation and gender based violence through the education and equipping of boys to become Men of Honor, Respect and Integrity.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
FORTRESS Foundation
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