DOLLARS FOR DEEDEE (& FRIENDS): Elephants don’t have a voice, so together we have to speak up for them


Organized by: Alexa Pham


Elephants don’t have a voice, so together we have to speak up for them. We need you to share the story of DeeDee and her herd.


Alexa's PhotoAlexa's Photo

Alexa's Photo


The Chai Lai Orchid


A bull hook. A metal chair. Painful tusk removal. A 14+ hour workday parading tourists around. With little time to eat, baking hot conditions, and exhausting hours, this is life 365 days a year for most elephants in South East Asia. With your help, it ends now.

Across the river from The Chai Lai Orchid, 11 elephants live and work as tourist attractions. Four of those elephants, including DeeDee, are babies. While they are too small for chair rides now, they will soon grow up and join their friends in their backbreaking toil all in the name of tourism. It has always been our dream to rescue DeeDee and her friends.

With your help, we have the opportunity to changes lives for these elephants.Help usraise $54,000 over 6 months to save DeeDee and her friends.Yes, our mission may be costly. It may seem far-fetched. But DeeDee and her friends need us, and we believe we can make it happen!

All donations over $500will receive a free night stay with DeeDee and her friends at The Chai Lai Orchid!

Visit our website to learn more information:

DeeDee and her friends say Thank You!


A bull hook. A metal chair. Painful tusk removal. A 14+ hour workday parading tourists around. With little time to eat, baking hot conditions, and exhausting hours, this is life 365 days a year for most elephants in South East Asia. With your help, it ends now.

See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Alexa Pham

Crowdrise, News Category, Reward-Donation, Civil Society, English, Asia, Global Regions, Crowdfunding, Language


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