About this project
Hello and welcome! Thank you for taking the time to view my kickstarter campaign. I hope you enjoy looking at the pens and lead holders I have available.
This project offers you the opportunity to select your favorite writing instruments and wood species to craft your own personal set. Please view the options I have created. If you find you would like to create your own combination, you are very welcome to do so by selecting the first reward category.
You will find the backer rewards below followed by information about why I am here at kickstarter and a bit about who I am. If you would like more personal information please visit my website at amygrigg.com or view my instagram feed at _amy_grigg_
Many thanks,
Please select your favorite hardwood from the options below.
About the woods available: Bird’s eye Maple is a very dense, bright American hardwood with amazing figure. The little “eyes” are reflective in the light. This is a favorite wood of fine furniture makers, box makers and turners. Lacewood is from Australia and has an amazing ray fleck unique to this lovely species. Canarywood comes from South America. It is bright yellow color with red streaks really make it stand out. Chechen is a gorgeous dark brown wood with redish and amber tones. It can be found in Dominican Republic, Cuba, Jamaica, Guatemala, and Belize. It is very dense with lovely chatoyance. Black Walnut is one of America’s great hardwoods. With it’s rich dark color, it speaks for itself. Bloodwood is truly striking with it’s amazing bright red color and very fine grain. It comes from South America. **none of the exotic woods I use are endangered
The lead holders
Those of you who are collectors of fine writing instruments know that there are pencils, there are mechanical pencils and there are lead holders. These are the later. Also known as a clutch pencil because of the claw like grip holding the lead in place. These are my favorite type of sketching and writing “pencils”. The 2mm lead is sturdy but comes to a very fine point when sharpened with the built in lead pointer. I keep a separate eraser handy but the built in eraser is great if I’m not at home with all of my desk items. Weighing around 1.4 oz each, these are solid and substantial.
The new pen in my line of fountain pens is the Bravo. It has the fun and convenient magnetic cap that so many people love in the Apex with a full wooden cap and body to show off more of the beautiful natural material.
But wait!!! What if you want only lead holders, or only fountain pens, or want a combination of your own that is not pictured? That is easily done.
CREATE YOUR OWN COMBO – To properly calculate your total pledge, add the sum of each pen. You may deduct $5 for each pen after the first. For example: two pens, deduct $5; three pens, deduct $10 etc.
Add shipping. US $7 Canada $12 International $16
individual prices are as follows:
-Sigma ballpoint pen $50 -Sigma lead holder $50
-Apex ballpoint pen $50 -Apex lead holder $50
– Apex fountain or rollerball pen $60
-Bravo fountain pen $105 -Omega fountain or rollerball pen $155
*you will be sent a survey at the end of the campaign where you may specify your choice of wood for your pens and lead holders
A few reasons I am here at kickstarter:
I am a self employed woodworker and spring season is a slow time for me. I have created this project to continue staying in business for myself. 50% of funding will go toward fees, taxes and materials. The remainder will be for my labor producing the work.
Kickstarter pre-ordering keeps my output of material costs and labor very specific. I don’t have to keep extra inventory or produce something that isn’t popular. The body of work created during this campaign is tailored to the exact needs of my backers.
Lastly, I must mention the community spirit that comes from the Kickstarter experience. I have enjoyed backing and creating kickstarter campaigns. When backing a campaign, I feel a part of the success of another creative person. Right now I am excited for when my full set of magnetic markers that I found on kickstarter comes in! (I like to color)
As a creator I must say that the kindness and support of kickstarter backers is unrivaled. I hope that my experience here once again connects me to many new people from across the country and the world.
About the work
The woods being offered here are in their natural state. There are no dyes or stains being used. These fine timbers are from all across the globe. I only support sustained yield harvesting so you can feel certain that I am not using material that is in danger of extinction or that is harvested in a way that is devastating to the environment from which it came.
I carefully choose the best figure, grain, and color for each and every pen. Some of the pieces of wood that will be used in this project, I have been saving and cherishing for over a decade. I’ve been coveting the bird’s eye maple for at least 12 years.
There is something special about a writing instrument. They are personal. I have made many pens over the years. Each one has been made one at a time with attention, care and high standards. If you too have a love of fine pens and and lead holders and wish to add to your collection, begin your collection or simply have a special gift to give, then I hope you will consider contributing to this project.
About me
I am a graduate of art school with a BFA in Illustration. I’ve worked in many disciplines over the years including illustration, fine bookbinding and woodworking. I have been a woodworker since 2003 and love it more each year. It is a passion and a blessing in my life.
I specialize in small items such as boxes, cutting boards, carved spoons, turned pens, and wooden bowls.
I live in Rochester NY with my two sweet dogs, Leo (rescue mix breed) and Ripley(rescue German Shorthair Pointer).
This business is a one woman operation. Your support goes directly toward keeping my life moving forward. It puts food on the table and in the dog bowls.
I sincerely thank you for taking the time to review my project. I hope you will consider becoming a backer.
All the best to you in your creative endeavors,
Risks and challenges
This is my third pen campaign. The first two ran very smoothly and shipped on schedule. Barring and unforeseen catastrophe I don’t see a risk here. If the campaign is hugely successful and reaches beyond 20k in donations then I may need to ship a little later than schedule but not by much. I hope this happens
This project offers you the opportunity to select your favorite writing instruments and wood species to craft your own personal set. Please view the options I have created. If you find you would like to create your own combination, you are very welcome to do so by selecting the first reward category.
See Campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/923522721/fine-wooden-pen-and-lead-holder-sets
Contact Information:
Amy Grigg
Kickstarter, News Category, Reward-Donation, United States, English, North America, Global Regions, Crowdfunding, Language
The post Fine Wooden Pen and Lead Holder Sets: Unique pen and pencil sets handmade from your choice of wood. Ballpoint, rollerball, fountain pens and 2mm lead holder pencils. appeared first on iCrowdNewswire.
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