Re-Synth New Horizons: To take a difficult to dispose of and even hazardous product and turn it into clean fuel is almost too good to be true. Alchemy. The stuff of science fiction. Until now…


Taking waste and reconfiguring it into something useful is the definition of recycling. To take a difficult to dispose of and even hazardous product and turn it into clean fuel is almost too good to be true. Alchemy. The stuff of science fiction. Until now…

Re-Synth New Horizons has developed that most beneficial and rare of recycling feats: turning something utterly useless, polluting and plentiful into a valuable, needed and useful product.

Through our proprietary and patented technologies, we process recyclable and non-recyclable plastics and rubber (used tires and other) into enhanced synthetic fuel-oils. Not only that: with our revolutionary process, we are doing it at a lower cost than existing methods AND in a clean and environmentally responsible way.


It’s a straight-forward problem with two fronts:

First, people need to get places and they use vehicles with rubber tires. Those rubber tires, once used, pose a major problem. They are hard to dispose of, often end up in massive depositories or landfills creating significant fire, environmental and health risks.

Secondly, the world needs fuel for energy and with climate change becoming an ever more urgent issue that fuel needs to be efficient, affordable, clean and produced in the most environmentally responsible way possible.


We take the environmentally damaging and wasteful effects of scrap tires (and other recyclable and non-recyclable plastics) and traditional fuel-oil production and transform them it something beneficial.

Here’s an overview of the benefits of our innovative process:

Fuel produced with our patented technology contains lower carbon molecules, which means fewer emissions when consumed. Also toxic substances often found in traditional fuels, like mercury and sulfur, are eliminated or substantially reduced, converting our product into a cleaner more efficient burning fuel.

Since our “feed-stock” or material we use for our process is a waste product that would normally head to landfills our acquisition costs are minimal. On top of that our production model uses energy derived from our process to power itself removing the need and expense of outside power. These factors reduce our production cost to below that of a traditional refinery.

Worldwide tire and plastic production is on the rise giving a constant and ever cheaper (sometimes free) raw materials source.

With significant reduction of waste and efficient production of affordable clean energy outside of the traditional petrochemical industry- Re-Synth New Horizons is head and shoulders above the current fuel-oil market.


Re-Synth New Horizons has already done the heavy lifting. With product development, testing, customer base, initial investors and governments already committed and in-line we are now in need of a final push to full-scale production!

Here is a breakdown of steps we’ve accomplished thus far:

Currently we have two patents we use in our process – one patent already awarded, SEP (which stands for Sulfur Elimination Process); and one patent pending, ROMO-APC (which stands for molecular rupture at cavitated high pressures).

Our patented technology has been used and independently tested by international labs. It is also been running at a commercial scale for more than a year. Proof of our product reliability and consistency.

Re-Synth established partnerships with GENSA, the Colombian power company, and has been tested for enhanced fuel use in commercial engines by the UNAL (Colombian Independent Laboratories), SGS (Societe Generale de Surveillance) and ProLub.  The collaboration with these well known institutions provides credibility to the Re-Synth project before current and future investors.

Additionally, in 2014 Re-Synth New Horizons, LLC acquired the facilities (40,000 square foot steel building) and a 10 acre land lot site in Puerto Rico for its manufacturing operation.  The company already obtained the environmental permits and other government endorsements.  The plant will be ready for production start in less than six months.

We have already received letters of intent, for off-take contracts from fuel importers and distributors. Off-take contracts represent the total annual production acquisition by a distributor, and is the normal way business is done in the oil industry.

Twelve entities and individuals have already invested in Re-Synth including one the first and former owner of the APPLE products license in ITALY and two investment companies.

Our project was evaluated by the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company (PRIDCO) and awarded an industrial promotion package which include labor incentives for start-up operations. The company also has filed an application for tax exemption under current statutes for Puerto Rico Act # 73 which provides up to 99% tax exemption to the Re-Synth corporation and its shareholders.

We also have received interest in our technologies from various municipalities and US States as well as European countries.


Our team has the experience and multidisciplinary background to understand the advantages of our technologies and establish a firm growth and exit strategy. Please take a moment to meet them:

A mechanical engineer who has been involved in alternate energy and fuel sources since school days in 1989 when he was part of the design and manufacturing team on the first solar car. Carlos has been a motivating force in the development of sustainable practices for various companies since the early 1990’s. In 2005 Carlos established the first waste vegetable oil biofuel production plant in the Caribbean. Noticing that waste could be a source of clean fuel production from that endeavor, he began developing new technologies and in 2012 co-founded Re-Synth International. Using his vast experience in start-up business development and as an author/co-author of various patents in the fuel industry, he is advancing these new developments to a commercial scale.   

Andres brings his over 30 years of broad experience in financial management and public accounting with Fortune 100 companies such as AT&T Wireless, MCI WorldCom, ITT, PepsiCo , McDonald’s International, Westinghouse and KPMG.  More specifically he has extensive experience in financial planning, assets valuations and management, regulatory affairs, taxes, internal controls and start-up operations.

A Juris Doctor with over 30 years of legal practice experience and business advisory. Jose brings extensive legal expertise in general commercial financing, corporate structure and strategy, tax planning and exemption laws, start-up logistics, real estate, construction and banking.

Miguel is an Industrial Engineer and co-Author of various patents and equipment designs in the water, fuel and food industries.

For further details on our innovative process and future plans with financial information, please request our business profile and see how to join us on our exciting journey.

Re-Synth New Horizons has developed that most beneficial and rare of recycling feats: turning something utterly useless, polluting and plentiful into a valuable, needed and useful product.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Carlos González

Fundable, Consumer, Equity, Seniors, English, Costa Rica, The Caribbean, Industry verticals, Puerto Rico, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW