Tides Of Doom: a new hybrid game platform

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Investor proposal

Since our target market is growing by an average of 15% per year and our product is innovative and scalable, we truly believe that the value of the shares will increase with, at least, the same rate. We are aiming at generating a return on the investment by 2020.
We have a clear plan for how the funding will be allocated and how we will proceed within the next years. Your investment will enable us to enter the Nordic markets, as well as the German and British markets.


The problem this product solves

Today, many board games are based on out-moded game mechanics, where victory within the game depends on luck. First off, the game rules are not only hard to understand, but also hard to read. Second, these games lack efficiency due to the points requiring manual book keeping. In addition, traditional board games are made out of carton and papers with static graphics, where no video or other dynamic operations are included. As a result, one needs to buy a new game in order to update the existing one.

How the product solves it

Our platform provides a solution by combining board and card games with digital content. ToD utilises the positive features of a board game, such as the personal interaction between the players. One can play the minigame on a mobile device over a wireless network. The scores are efficiently stored in a memory device. Furthermore, this game platform supports lower costs for the game development, since components such as minigames can be re-used and upgraded by changing the visual content through our webshop. ToD is interactive and guides the player through the game, both visually and through sound independent of geolocation.


Product features

Pelio, the developer of ToD, develops games based on a new innovative game platform, integrating board and card games (both old and new) with digital content and distribution. The new game concept is called as a hybrid game platform. There are some similar products on the market, but we differentiate ourselves by adding a visually appealing content and a digital structure that can be played on any mobile device (smartphone, tablet etc.) Our games make problem solving an entertainment factor where the user needs to find the best solution.

Product use cases

Hybrid boardgames can be played together with family and friends, and they connect multiple platform gamers. Best parts of board gaming can be combined with the best parts of mobile and digital gaming. ToD brings boardgame enthusiastics together with mobile game enthusiastic in a way not seen before, and connects people together.


Target Market

We will primarily target mobile and board gamers (both hobbyists and families) within the age range of 25-40. Due to the platform being online, the scalability possibilities are great.
The global market is constantly growing and is expected to reach $113 bn by 2018 (CAGR $83.6bn 2014 [Newzoo]). Board games sales rose by a double double-digit percentage between 2012-2014 [NY Times 2014], and the size of the market is over €7bn, which is only a fraction of the market for digital games. [GeekWire] Also, the market for educational games is growing. [gamesandlearning.org]
More information here: Statista Theesa Newzoo BigFishGames VentureBeat

Competitive landscape

Today, there are only a few hybrid games in the market. Tides of Doom successfully combines digital content and board games over a user friendly platform. Our competitors concentrate on either platform, and even when combining platforms, they only really supplement each other indifferently.

Unique differentiator from competitors

Pelio combines board gaming into mobile gaming, making both work into one whole package. Currently our competitor projects have only scratched the surface, and not fully utilised the potential of hybrid games. There is a growing market for them, and Pelio intends to go charging right into full hybrid games, instead of board game with mobile supplements, or just board games inside mobiles.
Pelio intends to design, playtest and create games straight into hybrid games, and not gradually, like our competitors do.

Business Model

Company revenue streams

We offer a board game package + an application software, produced by subcontractors and printing houses. We design the application software, that supports the hybrid board games, and sell it as a bundle with the board games sales packages. After the first games are sold, our web shop offers new game levels and extension games that can be purchased and downloaded. We have a revenue stream from retailers and distributors (sales margin) as well as from our web shop sales and through us licensing the platform.

Product/service distribution

We sell our software product through retailers/distributors and via our own web shop.


Previous milestones/traction

Pelio has made 2 mobile games previously: The Dungeon and Fun Math Wagons. This has given a vital information in making the mobile games. Our partner Doorway Games have published 2 board games previously, and have a great knowledge in that area. These 2 areas combined give a vast knowledge into hybrid genre.

Next key objectives

In the future we aim at developing a society of Hybrid Board Game Geeks, who we hope will help us leverage the technology and therefore introduce more more games in to the market, which are based on our technology and licensing.

Previous Financing

We have received €36 000 from Tekes and €28 000 from ELY.


Pelio has combined forces with the Finnish board game design company Doorway Games. Their knowledge into board gaming field is important, and they have a ready group of gametesters and designers. This advances product design and testing greatly, and means that products have a ready target audience.

Industry Recognition

Industry Certification/Awards

This new innovation is made by Pelio, holding pending patents in EU and USA.

Use of Funds

We use 60% of the funds for supporting the game design and establishing the web shop. 20% goes to sales and marketing, and 10% for materials and the rest 10% for administrative costs.

Tides of Doom is a new hybrid game platform, combining social board and card games with digital and visually appealing content.
See Campaign: https://www.fundedbyme.com/en/campaign/7359/tides-of-doom-1/?type=e&button=tile&from=browse
Contact Information:
Pekka Koukkula
Petteri Vanhanen

FundedByMe, Equity, Consumer, English, European Union, Computers and Software, Finland, Video games, Media & Entertainment, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW