Get a limited copy of the book TRICHOCEREUS: THE SAN PEDRO GROUP!
Hi Guys, this is Patrick from and the Trichocereus Facebook Group! If you are involved in the Trichocereus Community, you probably heard that I was working on a book about Trichocereus pachanoi and other related species from the San Pedro Group for a couple years now. Well, time flies and I am happy to announce that this book is finally getting close to a release date.
I been a cactus grower & enthusiast for at least 20 years. I spent most of my adult life studying the Genus Trichocereus and this book is the result of my (still ongoing) work in this particular field. The book is called TRICHOCEREUS: THE SAN PEDRO GROUP and contains hundreds of photos as well as information about the botany of the San Pedro Group. The book will published in May or June 2016 and consists of more than 300 pages filled up with cool stuff and photos taken by me, friends or well known faces in the Trichocereus Growers community!
Our Facebook Group with almost 3000 members helped to support this project like a wall and I am extremely proud that I was given the chance to write and publish it now!
When I announced that there will be a printed edition of my book, I was overwhelmed with messages and mails from people who wanted to pre-order it that very day. But since this book will have a lot of all-color pages, the printing costs exceeded my funds by far.
And thats where this crowdfunding campaign comes into play.
With this campaign, I want to raise enough money to print enough copies for all the people who been looking forward to this project for months. The more money I will raise, the more books I will print.
With that said; there will only be a very limited number of books available and I expect them to sell out fast. There will be 250 books available for everyone who supports this project with an amount of at least 58 Euro. There also are other perks for people who just want to support this project without buying a book as well as a high quality Hardcover Connoisseur Edition that is a little bit more expensive.
Here are some specifics about the book:
TRICHOCEREUS: THE SAN PEDRO GROUP contains over 300 all-color pages and hundreds of photos showing plants, flowers and fruits.
This book is all about the botany and taxonomy of the San Pedro cactus and its relatives. It includes classic descriptions as well as new information about Trichocereus pachanoi & its related species like Trichocereus bridgesii, Trichocereus scopulicola, Trichocereus peruvianus or some of the rather unofficial names like Trichocereus huanucoensis or the commercial variety Tom Juuls Giant. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are Latin descriptions that I dug out from 100 year old books, macro photos showing flowers and fruits and a practical chapter about the care of this great group of plants! In addition I share some in-depth information about raising Trichocereus plants from seeds and how to germinate them right!
This book is extra large (A4) and will be printed on high quality color paper. In my opinion, its extremely important that the cactus pics look great. And thats why I am going for a more expensive printing method. I could release this book as a black & white book for a very low price and make a lot more money, but I am a perfectionist and willing to pay a higher price for high quality color paper to make sure everything looks perfect. This is better than a coffee-table book about coffee-tables.
Though I am the author, a lot of my friends were involved in this project and donated some really rare photos for this book! There literally are hundreds of pics showing the San Pedro Cacti in the habitats, including breathtaking shots of ancient Peruvian landscapes and Herbarium specimens. I collected all kinds of photos from Peru (Chavin, Cusco, Matucana etc), Bolivia, Chile and other South American countries. There even are photos of San Pedros from countries like Chile and Brasil, where this species is not as common as it is in Peru. Last but not least I included a chapter about mutants and cristates that will blow you away.
Some of those photos are exclusively available in this book and will NOT be published anywhere else. THE SAN PEDRO GROUP offers a complete overview about the species and includes photos from habitats, botanic gardens and collections worldwide!
And thats why you will totally love this book, so please support this campaign to claim your copy now! I will make sure that TRICHOCEREUS: THE SAN PEDRO GROUP will be one of the most beautiful coffee-table books you have in your shelf! Simple as that. You can support this project by making a safe Paypal payment and I will send you the book as soon as I get it from the book printing company.
This is what Ill do with the money:
All the money raised by this campaign will go directly into funding the printing of my book. The books you buy through this campaign will be numbered and signed.
The printing costs will be somewhere between 10.000 – 12.000 Euro and there is not a doubt in my mind that we will get this book funded. The only question is if there are enough books for everyone who wants one. This project already has a long list of supporters in our Trichocereus Facebook Group and if you want to claim your copy now, this crowdfunding campaign is the safest way. If this campaign exceeds the goal, I will put the money into printing more books.
What you will get by supporting this project:
By supporting my campaign with at least 58 Euro, you will get a copy of the1st Crowdfunding Editionof this book for a reduced price of 58 Euro per book (plus the shipping costs). The regular price will be 68 Euro (plus the shipping costs). There will only be 250 books available here, so do not wait too long to order.
There will also be a Hardcover Deluxe Edition for everyone who loves to own a high quality book and is willing to pay a little bit more for it. You can read more about the different versions in the chapter about the Perks.
- Everyone that supports this campaign by paying 58 Euro will get a copy of the softcover edition. This book is printed in color and on high quality paper. As soon as I have the printed books at home, I will get in touch with the supporters and arrange for the shipping. The shipping costs are probably 12 Euro, but it also depends on where the buyer is located. In case the shipping costs exceed what I calculated, Ill get in touch with the buyer to arrange for the shipping.
- If this campaign wont reach its goal, the number of printed books will go down and there wont be any more books left for anyone outside of this campaign. I will try to print as many books as I can to make sure that all the supporters will get a copy. But this campaign is the only way to make sure that youll definitely get this book.
I will try to get the books printed for a cheaper price if the campaign does not succeed, but I would have to use mediocre quality paper and colors, which really is a worst-case scenario.
The Perks
1. Physical book: The Crowdfunding Edition (Softcover) – 58 Euro
This is the most economic way to own this nice book. Not only will you get a printed copy of this limited book, but youll also get it for a reduced price of 58,00 Euro (plus shipping costs). The standard price of this book would be 68 Euro, but thanks to this campaign you can get it for a reduced price directly from the author.
There will only be 250 books available and I am not sure whether or not there will be any more outside the crowdfunding campaign. All the books are sold on a first come, first served basis and when they are gone they are gone.
2. Physical book:The Crowdfunding Connoisseur Edition (Hardcover)- 88 Euro
This package contains a hardcover copy of the book for 88,00 Euro (plus shipping costs). Unlike the Softcover edition, the books from the CONNOISSEUR EDITION will be made using the thread stitching technique and all the pages will be printed on special paper to increase the brilliance of the photos. Believe me when I say that this will be a wonderful book that you will not want to give away again! The Hardcover Edition is not as affordable as the Softcover edition, but its definitely worth the price. It would be a lot cheaper to just print some more softcover books, but I felt like there should be a hardcover edition for the collectors who take pride in owning beautiful books.
There will only be 30 hardcover books produced and every book is numbered, labeled and signed as a way to thank you for your support!
3. Join the Trichocereus Movement – 10 Euro
This perk is for everyone who does not want to buy the book, but wants to support this project somehow! We appreciate every donation this project gets, because it will bring us close to our goal to make this book available.
4. Become a supporter – 30 Euro
Become part of the Trichocereus Movement and support our book project with 30 Euro. The money goes directly into the production of TRICHOCEREUS: THE SAN PEDRO GROUP and you will be listed as an official supporter in the publishing information of the book! Without the help of supporters, this project would not be possible and I am happy for everyone that I can add to this list!
5. Group Buy Pack (5 copies)
285 Euro
If you want to make a group buy, this pack with five copies of TRICHOCEREUS: THE SAN PEDRO GROUP (Softcover edition) is the best way to go. You get those books for a massively reduced price and are among the first people who have this beautiful book in their hands!
6. Reseller Package (10 copies) 550 Euro
If you want to sell the book in your shop, youll get ten books of TRICHOCEREUS: THE SAN PEDRO GROUP (Softcover edition) for a reduced price. Or share the books with your family & friends. I will also sign the copies as a way to say thank you for your support and include some of my SAN PEDRO GROUP stickers.
Risks and potential problems:
If you want to get this book in the best possible quality, now is the time to buy it! Indiegogo is a very reliable crowd funding company and you can securely pay with Paypal.
But even though that would be extremely bad news for me, I still made arrangements to get my book printed in case of a worst case scenario.
Some more ways to support this project:
If it should not be possible for you to buy a copy due to whatever reasons, you can still help this project by talking about this project or sharing the link.There were many times when I was WAY too broke to afford all the cool cactus books that I wanted and I definitely know how that feels,
So if there are things that keep you from buying, you are wholeheartedly invited to let your friends know about it! I appreciate every share that this page will get as long as you dont spam! You can also use the INDIEGOGO sharing tool in order to tell others about this project. You can find my other projects
Hi Guys, this is Patrick from and the Trichocereus Facebook Group! If you are involved in the Trichocereus Community, you probably heard that I was working on a book about Trichocereus pachanoi and other related species from the San Pedro Group for a couple years now.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Patrick Noll
Indiegogo, News Category, Reward-Donation, English, Europe, Global Regions, Crowdfunding, Language
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